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Harry Potter, English teacher

beedle le barde.jpgShe does not any more need to follow the boring English course at school, so that is what she says.

Benedicte, 17, read Harry Potter since the release of “The Order of the Phoenix” in June 2003. Like other fans, Benedicte knows everything about the Tales of Beddle the Bard, last novels of J.K. Rowling, thanks to the Net. “I’ve found it on a Website, and I read it… five months ago I think ?” she says. As for the other books : “I could not wait, I just wanted to know what was going to happen !


They want to know what next, several months before the release of the French version: that is the first reason why French people, sometimes early in their teens, decide to improve their English. Publishers quickly understood the commercial opportunity beneath this phenomenon: the website harrydico.net proposes a list of different dictionaries such as Le Potter & Collins. This dictionary contains more than 1500 of the most important names of Harry Potter's universe. “It's very useful, because I didn't know the meanings of such words as “broomstick” or “owl”, or the invented names “muggle”, “therstrals”, etc.” explains Gregoire, 18. He continues : “when I read the last book, I didn't need any more to use a dictionary. I could read currently in English !

There is an other motivation, that can explain the success of the English books. A story written for children and teenager is a good key to open the door of foreign language. The wealth of the vocabulary improves from volume to volume, allowing the French readers to progress without any trouble. “I was hopeless in English when I was fifteen", explains Benjamin, now in his last year of “Sciences Po”. “When I told my teacher : I want to work in the diplomatic area, he just laughed at me. Everybody around me was reading Harry Potter. I just took it...” The idea of Benjamin succeeded. “I must admit that I did not understand much. But after two, three, four hundred pages, you always begin to understand”.

"I really enjoy the French characters of the books. They have such a strong accent that now I pay much more attention when I speak !” declares Virginie. JK Rowling has taught the intricacies of French to young english people before succeeding as an author. It is not so surprising if she now teaches English to young French !

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